Top romantic gay movies

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Then Hedwig falls in love with Tommy “Gnosis” Speck, a Bible-banging wannabe rocker who creates music with her before stealing all of her songs to start his own super-successful career without her. Her first boyfriend Luther made her get a botched gender reassignment surgery before she could leave East Germany as a woman, and after arriving in the U.S. Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)Įven though everyone remembers John Cameron Mitchell’s film musical for its upbeat songs and plucky titular hero, Hedwig’s romantic life is pretty much a five-alarm dumpster fire. Talk about a bad romance - no wonder Luke and Jon are one of the very worst gay couples on our list! 3. And all Luke wants to do - besides drinking, driving and killing anyone who pisses him off - is to blow his brains out right after he orgasms.

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They’re both HIV-positive (at a time when antiretroviral HIV meds were still unavailable for most), on the run from the law as they kill and steal their way away from a conventional life. Depending on how punk rock you are, Luke the reckless kill-happy drifter and Jon the timid film critic either have the worst relationship or the most badass one you’ve ever seen.

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